Dr. Pir Honored with PR News “Organization of the Year” Award for Commitment to Diversity
Dr. Pir was recently honored with the prestigious “Organization of the Year” award presented in Washington, D.C. by PR News in recognition of the demonstrated commitment to diversity by her organization, the Institute for Multicultural Counseling and Education Services, Inc. (IMCES).
IMCES was selected for this distinction from a long and impressive list of organizations, government agencies, academic institutions, professional associations and other nonprofits that have demonstrated a commitment to diversity and excelled at communicating their
Dr. Pir receives Organization of the Year award for IMCES, the organization she founded in 1989, for her tireless commitment to serving the culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Los Angeles.
diversity achievements, such as Covered California, Anthem Foundation, the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health, the California Endowment, and the Medical University of South Carolina. Entries were judged by a blue-chip panel of public relations executives, the staff of PR News, and peers.
Dr. Pir made the strong commitment to contribute to the community in two major domains:
Commitment to Providing Comprehensive Services to the Community
IMCES, a nonprofit organization as a community clinic that Dr. Pir established in 1989 has, from its beginning, demonstrated a strong commitment to promote social justice and human rights in action on a day-to-day basis, based on the principle of inclusion by design. From day one, IMCES has focused on addressing disparities in access to health, mental health, social and legal services among culturally diverse communities.
Dr. Pir consistently moves from vision to action. For example, with the belief that health and mental health is the human right of everyone, she creates an even ground for everyone to
Dr. Tara Pir at Awards Ceremony with Organization of the Year award in recognition of her demonstrated commitment to serving the health, mental health, social, and legal services needs of diverse target population in Los Angeles County through professionals with cultural and linguistic expertise in over 10 languages.
walk on by providing the highest standard clinical services and advocacy programs for the most needy, underserved, vulnerable, diverse populations in Los Angeles County through professionals with cultural and linguistic expertise in over 10 languages.
Commitment to Professional Workforce Development
Dr. Pir’s strong commitment to high standard, relevant workforce development for the helping professions in community based services led to the developing of doctoral and residency programs with a focus on leadership and practicing inclusion, accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA). Her programs have been recognized as unique, futuristic models for clinical training in psychology nationally and internationally. For more information about IMCES, please visit our website at www.imces.org.
Dr. Pir meeting with Congresswoman and former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, at U.S. Capital event, describing IMCES’s commitment to service provision as well as high standard workforce development, the APA accredited clinical training program for the helping profession of psychology.
Dr. Pir and staff demonstrating the power of commitment to diversity and inclusion for multicultural, multilingual needed service provision to our vulnerable population in Los Angeles County.